The Contest

Jun 09, 2008 20:31

Title: The Contest
Author: idontgiveafaux
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Prompt: Between the two of us
Word Count: 748
Summary: Harry had never liked the idea of the Hot Gay Couple contest, but after Draco refused him sex, he found himself forced to enter…
Warnings: (at your discretion) Language
Authors Notes: Couldn’t think of a better title

Draco came rushing back over to Harry, wearing a huge grin that lit up his whole face. “I just found out that the black-haired guy in that really hot couple from France has just this second broken out in some spots!” He said gleefully. “He couldn’t bear it and ran home and his boyfriend chased after him! Harry, between the two of us we could walk this competition now!”

Harry looked at him doubtfully. It had been Draco’s idea to enter the Hot Gay Couple contest and Harry had thought it a crap idea from the start. He’d seen that contest advertised in many gay bars around Hogsmeade but never did he think that Draco was even remotely interested in entering that tacky thing. But Draco was and Draco had remained stubborn and Draco had folded his arms and refused Harry sex until he had caved in and agreed. Now, standing in the busy room and trying his best to ignore the stares belonging to two huge leather guys that were practically burning holes into his back, Harry wished he hadn’t caved in and just stuck with wanking until Draco grew utterly insatiable. It would have been tough, but much better than the predicament he was faced with. Harry had never been repulsed by shallowness as much as he was now. Points were decided on hotness of the couple, the clothes of the couple and a general knowledge round (limited to trivia on hot people and hot clothing.) He felt like his brain cells were committing suicide in their droves the longer he stayed here.

“I mean, look around Harry!” Draco continued, breaking his thoughts. He glanced behind him and must have made eye contact with the guys in leather because he smiled politely and then turned back to Harry and smirked. “We haven’t exactly got competition! Those two guys from France were our biggest threat and after I quickly slipped a potion in his drink they had no chance! We could -” Draco had the good grace to stop and look down guiltily when he caught sight of Harry glaring at him.

“Cheating, Draco?”

“Well in my defence it’s not like you should be surprised,” Draco replied in a hurt tone, as if he were the one that had been done wrong.

Harry opened his mouth to reply but Draco was right, he shouldn’t have been in the least bit surprised, so all that came out of his mouth was a weary sigh. Draco took this as a sign of forgiveness and moved on. “Blaise is here, obviously, but come on Harry, I know that Neville’s your friend and begrudgingly I seem to have found the hint of a soft spot for him too but you have to admit, he really lets their side down! There’s no way they, or any other couple in here, are going to win, we’ve got this one in the bag!”

“I can’t believe we lost,” Draco said in bed that night. He was sat up rigidly, his arms folded and a fuming, dangerous look etched over every inch of his face. He had been complaining for the last two hours and even though it was 2am and Harry tried to get to sleep, he couldn’t because Draco had turned the light on, raised his voice even louder and even dug his nails into the side of his face when he dared to shut his eyes for a minute.

“I know, neither can I,” Harry said sleepily. Then, trying to suppress a grin, he asked, “How’s your ankle?”

“Fine,” Draco spat, the word made from pure vitriol.

“It’s not your fault you didn’t know there was a bonus Drag round,” said Harry.

“Well I know that!” replied Draco irritably. “Had I known I would have had to force my feet into six-inch whore heels and do a catwalk wearing a blouse and slutty skirt, I would have practiced a little first.”

“And it was unfortunate that you stumbled over and landed headfirst in the lap of that female judge,” said Harry sympathetically.

“If I didn’t have a dick she would have loved it!” Draco fumed. “Did you see when that girl copied me after she’d seen me do it and the judge practically flew into orgasm? I don’t see why those fucking pair of bitches were even allowed to enter anyway. They should have been banned.”

“They were a gay couple!”

“They were a gay couple of Veelas!” Draco shouted in outrage. “Even I got stiff for them, we had no chance!” He looked over at Harry disgustedly and sighed. “And you didn’t help by not brushing your hair before we went either, Potter!”
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