Title: The Games We Play
Author: idontgiveafaux
Rating: R
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Prompt: Dysfunctional relationship
Word Count: 750
Summary: Harry does all he can to keep Draco happy
Warnings: (at your discretion) Sexual abuse, Language & Domination.
Notes: Christmas gift!fic for
lackofmendacity x
Authors Note: Last line borrowed but modified from the Courtney Love
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Well, that was my first reaction after reading your fic, but now that I'm calm and not loving you anymore... ;D
(By the way, you should probably prepare for a rant!thesis now. *g*)
I love your Harry here (odd, I know - it's normally Draco I like), staying with Draco and willing to do anything to feel Draco 'making love' to him (because that's what Draco was doing at the end, I think) and being willing to put up with the pain and the rough fuckings for god knows what reason. *takes a deep breath*
Your Draco is fascinating too, deliberately fucking Harry in front of a portrait of Lucius seems so fucked up, yet so... Draco. ;) I love how he seems almost needy when he tells Harry he's not going anywhere. You know, despite Draco being the one acting ruthless to Harry, Harry seems like the stronger character to me, for staying despite Draco's odd fancies.
It seems almost like Draco was testing to see just what Harry would put up with (in terms of pain and mistreatment), but then he had a moment of terror when he thought Harry would leave to be with his friends and not come back, so he demanded Harry stayed and then treated him well... or am I reading too much into this? :/
You've probably realised this before, but the reason I love your dysfunctional relationships is because they're so complex, there's no one person to blame for the failings of the relationship, and despite the fucked-up nature of it, the fact that Harry and Draco stay together is quite inspiring. :D
So thank you for writing me this. This story really made me very happy, and I'm so lucky to have you. *cuddles you tight*
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
i'm so glad you enjoyed it hon! i was really hoping you would XD like on dysfunction you've picked up on so many things that i wish i could admit to putting in purposefully but only made sense after you pointed them out *g* although when you asked 'or am i reading too much into this? :/' that particular part was put in deliberately. draco wanted to teach harry that when he complies and does things that he wants, he'll be made love to. when he doesn't (like earlier in the story, when draco wanted an apology for something and harry didn't know what it was), he'll get fucked :)
hee, i do find it a bit funny though that you said the story made you very happy :D
And theses sounds quite odd in RL. I prefer to use the phrase 'thesis statements'.
although when you asked 'or am i reading too much into this? :/' that particular part was put in deliberately. draco wanted to teach harry that when he complies and does things that he wants, he'll be made love to. when he doesn't (like earlier in the story, when draco wanted an apology for something and harry didn't know what it was), he'll get fucked :)
Awwww, I'm glad I'm not totally delusional, and I'm sure your subconscious mind intended on many more things that you actually realised. :) *cuddles you*
hee, i do find it a bit funny though that you said the story made you very happy :D
But it did! *insists* When I read something compelling and moving, I feel all giddy and pleased inside, so thank you! *glomps you some more*
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