Title: Interview with The Potters
Author: idontgiveafaux
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 50.1
Prompt: 025 - Too much
Word Count: 600
Summary: A magazine runs a feature on Harry and Draco.
Warnings: (at your discretion) Mild language
Notes: for
100quills and x-posted to
idontgiveafaux and others.
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Comments 19
Errr... Voldemort's plaything? 0_o That sounds kinky. *g*
And awwww... poor Draco, getting slagged out for being a former slut. *hugs Draco*
That was a very cute and fun read, thank you! *glomps you*
::nods:: voldemort's plaything. you'd think it was hot but you haven't seen voldemort's cock O_O
And if you attempt to either draw or describe it, for the love of Draco I shall have to hit you.
♥ sends love and chocolate ♥
ooh, are they for me!? ::snatches love and choccies::
don't tell anyone but ::whispers:: i've half given up on big brother. i'll probably be saying something totally different by next week so i wouldn't get too excited yet ;) ::hugs and sloppy kisses::
Don't worry about replying to comments, I'm just relieved that you're okay. :)
Grand Theft Auto? Ooh, I love that game, yay for shooting and hacking people! :D (Do you know the third version has a hidden sex scene if you enter a code... caused a lot of controversy, and was almost banned. *amused*)
Sloppy kisses? *makes face*
*gropes you* :*
what's wrong with sloppy kisses? they're better than sloppy joe's (ugh. i'm going to be sick. i've never had a sloppy joe or even seen one in real life but i've seen american films and they look disgusting. isn't it just a bolognase burger? ::vomits::)
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