
Sep 23, 2004 12:08

comment if you want to HONESTLY know what i think about you. remember, i will say exactly what i think. feel free to post this in your journal to see what others say.

[EVERYONE is welcome to comment.]

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xxfarewellxx September 23 2004, 09:41:42 UTC
how about me


idontgiveacare September 23 2004, 09:48:42 UTC
Hmm... this is a tough one. I remember I met you a REAL long time ago at some wicked lame party, haha. Since then I was scared to talk to you. But, you are a wicked awesome kid. Hell, you even cleaned up all that glass that night! You are a very respectable person. and you make lil' Kimmie happy! So you must rule. haha <3


_somuchtosay September 23 2004, 10:50:05 UTC
y where u scared to talk to me? i'm confused about that


_somuchtosay September 23 2004, 10:50:39 UTC
o yeah that last comment was me, i'm at kim's using her computer


idontgiveacare September 23 2004, 11:58:54 UTC
ahahaha I figured that. I don't know. I just was GOSH! haha.

For real though, I dunno. I didn't know if you'd remember me. Or if it was even you. heh.


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