Happy 18th Birthday Cool N' Shady!!
hahaha yeah this was a really long time ago.
running errands with my mom...
my puppy that you named.
this picture makes all of us look really intelligent?!
pevine falls or whatever.. haha that damned mouse that yall brought in my car.
haha four eyes before community service.. 330 to 410?!!? uhhhhhh?!
hahaha heyyyy cuite. hahahahahahahaha.
i made this for you in sarasota..
hahaha my little asian baby.
Cool N' Shady,
This past year has been amazing.
I owe you so much.
Thanks for always taking care of me
thanks for always putting up with my shit.
You'll never know how much you mean to me.
Thanks for always putting me first, I love you.
See you in a few hours.
Love always,