your arms are far too short.

Jul 16, 2005 14:59

summer is going by way too fast
i have been having a great time
yesterday walker came over and we ummm
well i don't really know what we did besides make fun of people
and eat some slush mix shit hahahahahaha
then bryan martin came over
those are my two best guy friends and i love them
me and bryan sat at my house until i had to go to the movies
when i left jordan and some people came over to keep bryan company
me and ashley and her little brother went and saw charlie and the chocolate factory
we thought it was really funny
josh and jonathan didn't think it was but what do they know about anything
then i went and met up with ryan and his friends and they are always nice
it's an interesting group, to say the least
then im pretty sure i came home
today is one big shit fest cause of the rain
and so far i have gotten into auburn, southern miss, and carson newman
i haven't heard back from alabama or most importantly Ole Miss
greer got back from fiji yesterday.
that's all

coach carter

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so other people won't feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine as children but it's not just in some of us it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others,"- TIMO CRUZ!!! haha

got it from moooorrrgaaaaaaaan!
wHiCh oF yOuR fRiEnDs iS tHe…

cRaZiEsT - jay head

SwEeTeSt - ryan, jenna

PrEtTiEsT - sarah, jenna

wHiTe - jenny

eaSiEsT tO bE gRoSsEd OuT - bk

SeXiEsT - hahahaha anyone but walker.

hOnEsT - josh

tRuStWoRtHy - walker, bryan

sPoRtY - bill or foshee

aNiMaL lOvEr - yikes.. ummmm ck?

CoMpUtEr GeNiUs - robert moseley knows everything about everything.

XaNgA nErD - none, on account of i dont even know what that is.

fUnNiEsT - kyle weeks, and i think my best friend could make me laugh through anything

DrAmA pErSoN - bk

BaNd PeRsOn - hmmmm uhhh D?

PeRsOn WhO aLwAyS gEtS ThEiR hOmEwOrK dOnE - margaret marks

fLiRtiEsT - ck,jake, john, jimmy, jhouse

AbOuT mY fRiEnDs AnD pAsT fRiEnDs...

wHiCh fRiEnD hAvE yOu KnOwN tHe LoNgEsT - well jay head and i went to elementry school together.

wHiCh fRiEnD hAvE yOu KnOwN tHe LeAsT - ummmmmmmm colt?

wHo WaS yOuR FiRsT bEsT fRiEnD - i've had a few.. steph lightfoot, paige price, derek wallace, natalie logan, jonathan vaziri, but everyone knows walker moseley is my bestttttt friend.

iS hE/ShE sTiLl yOuR fRiEnD - all of them are and walker is always going to be my friend.

wHiCh fRiEnD dO yOu MiSs ThE mOsT - alllllll of them.

hAs OnE oF yOuR bEsT fRiEnDs MoVeD aWaY - nope.

wHo HaS tHe MoSt ClAsSeS WiTh YoU - bk

PiCk OnE fRiEnD aNd TeLl OnE oF yOuR FaVoRiTe MeMoRiEs - walker- every memory we've had over the past few months... hahah they've been fun.

wHiCh oF yOuR bUdS iS mOsT LiKeLy tO…

bE a TeAcHeR - uhh they are all nutty.. sarah wants to be a teacher though.

bEcOmE a CoMpUtEr PeRsOn - walker.... hahahaha not really we had bte together

bEcOmE a StAy At HoMe MoM - lindsey overstreet

LiVe LiFe oN tHe WiLd SiDe - walker, sarah, joy, allison

tRaVeL aLl OvEr ThE wOrLd - jhouse

bEcOmE fAmOuS - hq

fAlL iN lOvE bEfOrE 20 - will gardner

bEcOmE a SpOrTs StAr - bill or ryan fordham or fosh i dunno

NoT gO tO cOlLeGe - brandon?

GeT mArRiEd tWiCe - natalie.. hahaha fickle!

hAvE 4 KiDs -noooo clue.

bEcOmE a TaLeNt-MaRkEtEr !?!??!!?

bE yOuR bEsT fRiEnD tHrOuGhOuT yOuR wHoLe LiFe - walker

bE aT hOmE dOiNg nOtHiNg BuT EaTiNg AnD wAtChiNg Tv - i dunno.

bE a SeRiOuS bUsiNeSs PeRsOn - jhouse

bEcOmE sOmEoNe WiTh A jOb ThAt HeLpS pEoPlE - sarah

eNd Up On RoAd RuLeS oR rEaL wOrLd - ck, bk
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