I really need to do this on some kind of regular schedule, because things happen and I forget them.
Went around JP with
girlgonemad and Adda, a friend of hers, the other day. Fun time. Got to see the Pond, which I haven't been that close to since Y camp, many years ago. Willow interacted with Vivian (Adda's daughter) in some interesting ways, and just in general seemed happy about the whole experience. I'm a sucker for a good sunset across a lake, too, especially if trees are involved.
Ran into a crazy guy on the T the other day. He was just sitting on a seat, talking. Not to anyone in particular, or to his invisible friends, just talking to the T in general. I felt bad for him, so I went over and talked with him for a while. He seemed happy to have an audience, and told me all about how he'd been in Korea and how the government fucked him over benefits-wise, and about his plot in Arlington, and how his wife had died a couple of years back. His last comment before he left the train was "my mom lived for a hundred and five years, and my dad lived for a hundred and three". He said this in a sad, sad voice, and then the door shut in his face. I spent the rest of my T ride trying to figure out why this depressed him so much, but it was obvious, really, from the things he said; he had nothing left to live for. And he may be looking forward to an additional forty years of nothing, assuming that his life isn't artificially shortened. I think his name was Andy. I wish I could remember for sure.
On a lighter note, I
hear they're trying to clone woolly mammoths now. If I am not actually being eaten by a velociraptor by this time tommorrow, I will be personally offended.