surveys are fun!

Nov 14, 2004 14:18

stolen from jessie!

01.Kissed your cousin: no

02. Run away: thought about it, but no
03. Pictured your crush naked: lol
04. Actually seen your crush naked: no.
05. Broken someone's heart: not sure
06. Eaten a Koala Bear?: that was random
07. Been in love: not really
08. Cried when someone died: when my 9th grade english teacher died
09. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yeah
10. Broken a bone: no
11. Drank alcohol: nope

W H I C H* I S* B E T T E R*
12. COKE OR PEPSI: definetly coke
13. GIRLS OR GUYS: undecided. i like guys but i have a lotta girl friends
15. SCRUFF OR CLEAN SHAVEN: depends...
16. QUIET OR LOUD: inbetween
18. SOCCER OR FOOTBALL: football even though sp didnt win any games
20. PANTS OR SHORTS: i usually see guys in pants

*W I T H *T H E *O P P O S I T E* S E X*
21. WHAT DO YOU NOTICE FIRST: nice and hair
22. LAST PERSON YOU SLOW DANCED WITH: darius in 6th grade
23. WORST QUESTION TO BE ASKED:umm, not sure

*T H E* L A S T* T I M E*
24. SHOWERED: yesterday after practice
25. HOOKED UP: hehe
26. HAD A GREAT TIME WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX: talked to brock online and in world history. ;-)

*W H A T *I S*
27. YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM: dont really have one

28. PERSON YOU HATE MOST:christina morales and courtney puente
29. THE BEST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU TODAY: visited with my grandparents

*F A V O R I T E S*
30. COLOR: purple, blue, black, pink
31. MOVIE: Cheaper By The Dozen, 50 First Dates
32. BOOK: dont have a favorite
33. JUICE: orange
34. CAR: white mustang
35. ICE CREAM: cookies n cream
36. HOLIDAY: Christmas
37. SEASON: winter, summer
38. BREAKFAST FOOD: banana bread, french toast

*B E S T*
39. COLOGNE: axe smells prett good except when the swim team boys spray like a whole can.
40. PERFUME: the kind they sell at pacific sunwear
41. KISS: i wish...

43. MOST RECENT ADVICE GIVEN TO YOU: umm, cant remember

*H A V E* Y O U*
44. Fallen for your best friend? well my best friend is a chick...
45. Kissed JUST a friend?: nope
46. Been rejected?: no
47. Been in love?: maybe
48. Been in lust?: dont think so
49: Used someone?: not that i know of
50. Been used?: uhh, not sure
51. Cheated on someone?: no thats mean
52. Been cheated on?: nope
53. Been kissed?: unfortunatly no
54. Done something you regret?: most likely

*W H O* W A S *T H E* L A S T *P E R S O N*
55. You touched?: my grandma
56. You talked to?: my grandparents
57. You hugged?: my grandma
58. You instant messaged? brock
59. You laughed at:my brother
60. You yelled at?: probably my mom
61. Who broke your heart?: no one really
62. Who told you they loved you?:

*D O *Y O U*

63. Color your hair? highlight it
64. Have tattoos? nope
65. Have piercings? 2 in each ear
66. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: no and i hope no one has a bf or gf at the same time
67. Own a webcam? Nope
68. Own a thong? no. they seem uncomfortable
69. Ever get off the computer? eventually

*H A V E* Y O U */* D O*Y O U* / *A R E* Y O U*
70. Stolen anything? dont think so
71. Smoke? nope, never will
72. Schizophrenic? definetly not
73. Obsessive? dont think so
74. Compulsive? no
75. Obsessive compulsive?: with my goggles right before i swim at a meet
76. Panic? not really. im pretty calm
77. Anxious? depends
78. Depressed? no
79. Suicidal? nope
80. Obsessed with hate? God no
81. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? thatd gross

82. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? i dont remember
83. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? california, colorado, houston
84. Can you do anything freakish with your body?no im a boring person lol
85. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others? eyes, hair
86. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? its possible
87. Would you marry for money? no you should marry ppl for who they are
88. Have you had braces? yes
89. Do you like hairy backs? no not really
90. When was the last time you gave someone a present? heidi for her birthday
91. Could you live without a computer? no
92. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc.? AIM and Yahoo
93. If so, how many people are on your list(s)? aim-61, yahoo-6
94. If you could live in any past, where? in the 80s
95. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: usually take them off
96. What is your favorite fruit?: i guess grapes or apples
97. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: wheat
98. What is your favorite place to visit?: california rocks
99. What is the last movie you saw?: sharktale
100. Do you kiss on the first date?: maybe
101. Are you photogenic?: not usually
102. Do you dream in color or black and white?: color
103. Are you wearing fingernail polish?: on my toes
104. Is it chipped or fresh?: chipped...dont have time to fix it

105. Do you have any dimples?: not that i know of
106. Do you remember being born?: i dont think anyone does
107. Why do you take surveys?: bored
108. Do you drink alcohol?: nope
109. Did you like or do you like high school?: its ok. keeps you occupied. it would be better if i had an off period and a car
110. What is the best accent?: only really heard texas accents
111. Who do you want to kiss?: hehe that special someone
112. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: both
113. Do you want to live to be 100?: i guess. i want a long fulfilled life
114. Is a flat stomach important to you?: i dunno
115. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?:whats that?
116. Are you loyal?: yep
117. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?:yes
118. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: off
119. Do you have frequent nightmares: nope!
120. Do you like your nose?: yeah its fine
121. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn’t real?: probably like 8 or 9
122. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? alot probably 12
123. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety? depends
124. Do you write poetry?: im not that talented
125. Do you snore?:my mom says i do but i dont
126. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: back and right side
127. dog/cat? definetly dogs
128. Do you lick stamps?: no they're already sticky
129. Do you use an electric can opener?: no
130. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?:nope sounds like fun
131. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?:i havent really ad emotional pain but it probably hurts worse
132. Favorite TV show?: american idol, desperate housewives
133. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?:nope
134. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?: Piano
135. Are you a sex addict?: no...

136. Do you know someone who has cancer?: my grandpa did but he is now cured
137. Do you like to argue?: i argue to make my point
138. Do you hunt?: no. not really interested
139. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants? both
140. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?: Zoo
141. Do you have a middle name? Alissa
142. Are you basically a happy person?: yeah
143. Are you tired?: not right now
144. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?:yep. coke
145. Have you ever met anyone off the internet? no. my dad blocked chat rooms
146. How many phones do you have in your house?: 3 regular, 3 cells
147. How long is your hair?: a little past my shoulders
148. Do you get along with your parents?: for the most part.
149. What color of eyes do you prefer? doesnt matter

*T H E* L A S T* T I M E *I*
150. Smiled?:today
151. Laughed?: today
152. Cried?: dont remember
153. Bought something?: bracelet at claires
154. Were sarcastic?: probably today
155. Kissed someone?: n/a
156. Talked to an ex?: dont have one
157. Do you wear tight pants?:i guess
158. Is there more than one zipper in your pants?: no...

*I N* T H E *L A S T* D A Y *H A V E *Y O U*
159. Worn a skirt: No
160. Been mean: maybe
161. Been sarcastic: heck yes!
162. Met someone new: nope
163. Missed someone: yes
164. Hugged someone: yes
165. Fought with your parents:dont think so
166. Wished upon a star: no
167. Laughed until you cried: my brother was being funny and gross

168. Are you lonely: not right now
169. Are you talking to someone online: amanda
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