OKAY. Shinn thinks Tomo is insane and needs to be locked up somewhere far away where she won't hurt any innocent campers with her batshit. Tamaki is sort of alarmed by her but will KEEP TRYING TO WIN HER HEART and will be perfectly indulgent of any crack becuse that's the way that gangsta rolls. Meer thinks Tomo is cute in an "aww, aren't you flat so batshit but kinda harmless?" way and Stellar thinks Tomo is really, really nice!
Shinn's ideas about Eva haven't changed really much. He still sees her both as somone to be protected and someone who can help him protect others. Don't think anyone has changed much re: Chisame, either -- Meer thinks she's someone who can always be trusted and always pull stuff off with (like that lake incident with Marlene), and Shinn thinks of her as someone to like and someone to be sibling-ish with.
Meer's effed-up bad-guy compass is even more effed-up around Greed. DESPITE the initial terror she is drawn to the confident and apparently pretty charming personality. She needs to get that bad-guy compass fixed stat.
Shinn's ideas about Eva haven't changed really much. He still sees her both as somone to be protected and someone who can help him protect others. Don't think anyone has changed much re: Chisame, either -- Meer thinks she's someone who can always be trusted and always pull stuff off with (like that lake incident with Marlene), and Shinn thinks of her as someone to like and someone to be sibling-ish with.
Meer's effed-up bad-guy compass is even more effed-up around Greed. DESPITE the initial terror she is drawn to the confident and apparently pretty charming personality. She needs to get that bad-guy compass fixed stat.
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