I've been REALLY busy as of late, which at this point has been proclaimed
very loudly by me. And if you haven't heard me say it yet....good! That
means I haven't bored you with it....YET! (lol)
I've been going over a really in-depth analysis of the progress throughout
the last year, and after endless meetings, loud brainstorming sessions and
countless hours of reflection, no other reason is as GLARINGLY apparent than
ONE, and it is this.......The women involved.
Not any one in particular, but ALL OF THEM.
Now don't get me wrong...
...I'm not forgetting about the good gentlemen that have been there with me
during this time, as many have proven to be downright geniuses in their own
right, but the fact of the matter remains QUITE undeniable: It's the passion
of the women involved that have really set the pace for all of this and I'm
not ashamed to admit it. Why should I? It's the truth.
So that is the final word after all the dust has settled, and all things
have been accounted for.
So on that note, Thank you ALL for such a wonderful year. I really really
mean that as I could NOT have done it without you.
Have a wonderful night.
-Alain Camporiva.
P.S. Sets are coming I swear. (Holidays and all, you understand)