The Subtlety or Force Encampment has released the third issue of its internationally sold quarterly periodical,
Doomsayer's Digest, and it is now available for purchase. There are only 210 in print with less than 150 remaining!
Doomsayer's Digest attempts to bring an academic rigor into esoteric studies and creative writing. It does not feature poetry, art, or editorials, but specializes its pages to a scientific pursuit of hermetica. It combines traditionalist analysis, academic standards, and subject matter relevant to Thelemic culture, history, and interests.
In Volume 2, Issue 1, 2009's Spring issue, there are three featured articles, three rare Crowley reprints, and one Ol' Skoo Rap Tree 4 Life.
Here's the skinny:
Vol. 2, Iss. 1, Spring of 2009 (IVxvii)
"Formula to Renounce Slave Religion", T Polyphilus' response to A.C's suggestion to CS Jones that he develop a public and group rite to allow people "who want to have anything to do with us" to formally renounce all the ideas listed in Liber Al Ch 3 v 49-56.
"Paleo-Thelema", T Polyphilus' discussion of Crowley's "antecedents of Thelema" and others who came before 666 and announced the prominence of Will and Love in the human condition.
"Translating Liber Al", a discussion of the issue of translation as it relates to interpretation, difficulties of translating The Book of the Law, and testimonies from the Frater Superiors' Representatives of Deutschland and Italia.
Also included:
da Ol' Skoo Rap Tree 4 Life! by David Braren,
A Blizzard in the Saharah by Aleister Crowley,
Antecedents of Thelema by Aleister Crowley, and
The Soul of the Desert by Aleister Crowley!
I do personally hope yall enjoy it and get yourself a copy and a subscription. They're on sale for $5 (plus shippin') a pop.
You can order a copy for yourself at the Subtlety or Force Encampment's website: Subscriptions are also available and highly recommended! If you haven't gotten yourself an issue yet, get a subscription and let me know you'd like back issues. I'll send you the first three and Summer's when it arrives! Subscriptions end up saving you about 20% off the regular price!