Title: his reach is global, his tower secure; his cause is noble, his power is pure...
kalichan Character: The Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Doctor Who
Spoilers: Through… "Planet of the Dead"
TENI'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old, and I'm the man who's gonna save your
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Very nicely done. I think you captured all those mercurial elements that make Ten so very Ten. He is a goofy puppy wrapped in a bambi-eyed packaged but he is scary as fuck. Far, far more frightening, to me, than Nine ever was. As you said, Nine was a walking wound, Ten is processing and not always well. I think it colored ALL of his companion relationships, even Rose. Nine needed Rose but Ten wanted Rose. The difference is subtle but has all sorts of disturbing undertones that, if you squint and tilt your head just to the left, are there. And I do love to squint and tilt. ;)
The recs are awesome! And not just because you have Kalima and Chase on the list. (Chase's fic is so underated it isn't even funny, probably because it is uncomfortable and lays bare the "otherness" in the D/R relationship. And I'll read anything Kalima writes, no matter what.) I can't wait to read those that I missed on the first go-round.
He is a goofy puppy wrapped in a bambi-eyed packaged but he is scary as fuck. Far, far more frightening, to me, than Nine ever was.
Yep, me too. There's something much less scary about the person who lets it all hang out, as it were.
Nine needed Rose but Ten wanted Rose.
Creepy! I'd never thought about it that way, but yeah. That's why I love D/R fic that shows their dark side -- it's not just fluffy bunnies, there are some serious crazy, fucked up moments there too.
Stopping now. ;)
I did want to add a comment on your observation that Tennant's fanboy love colors his performance. I wish I knew the filming order for S2 because the first time he fires up the TARDIS in "New Earth" I can't decide whether it's the Doctor thrilled to be traveling again or David Tennant nearly dying of squee because he's IN THE GODDAMN TARDIS! And you'll never convince me it's not DT coming over all fanboy when he sees Lis Sladen in "School Reunion". His obvious adoration for the universe gives his performance a nuance that is really lovely to see.
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