Title: Far From a Simpleton: Will Turner
veronica_richCharacter: Will Turner
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Spoilers: All three movies
Author's Note: It's all
metalkatt's fault - she convinced me four years ago to like Will, and the rest flowed from there. She betaed this essay, and some of the points are things we’ve cussed and discussed over and over and
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I always loved Will as a character, and Orlando's portrayal of him. Admittedly I'm not an expert on acting, but I thought he and Keira stood up well against Depp in both movies. I loved his character arc in CotBP, and was thrilled that he seemed such a "take-charge" guy in DMC (which was certainly needed with Jack flailing about).
Glad you mentioned honorat's Worthy of his Steel, which I know she will finish one of these days -- besides RL distractions, she's down to the sword fight in the stable, which requires some major research. And tessabeth's works, both her standalone Jack/Will stories and in her Picaresque/Trochal/Malabar Trade masterpiece at impofperversity, contain my favorite Will rendition -- she has the gift, and she loves him, and it shows in every line.
Great essay!
I plan to add to it in my own journal. If the mod will let me append and edit and repost, I'll do it here, too.
I don't envy YOU, having Jack and all. How DO you sum up one of the fastest-grown Top 100 Cinematic Icons of All Time? *G*
I thought he and Keira stood up well against Depp in both movies
I've always thought everyone did a good job, even the minor character actors - a real ensemble. As I've stated many times, my myriad complaints with DMC have never been with the acting effort put forth.
Do you have a specific link for the tessabeth story you reference? I'm not sure if I've read that one.
penknife is one of the mods -- I'd think she would be sympathetic to the circumstances under which we write here.
I don't envy YOU, having Jack and all. How DO you sum up one of the fastest-grown Top 100 Cinematic Icons of All Time? *G*
I never thought of it that way. *trembles in pirate boots under the weight of such responsibility*
I've always thought everyone did a good job, even the minor character actors - a real ensemble.
I agree with that entirely.
Do you have a specific link for the tessabeth story you reference? I'm not sure if I've read that one.
The three from impofperversity? The tags are on the info page. Actually Picaresque doesn't have Will, it has Bootstrap because it's backstory. Trochal is set post-CotBP, and Malabar Trade is its direct sequel. There are also some standalones associated with that universe, which also contain some lovely Will bits. The whole thing is too superb. tessabeth is of the brilliance, as I've said many times ( ... )
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