Title: Jaina Solo: Sword of the Jedi
chavalahSpoilers: Original trilogy, Attack of the Clones (and probable Revenge of the Sith spoilers) as well as "The Crystal Star" by Vonda McIntyre, and the Young Jedi Knight and New Jedi Order series'
Notes: Jaina Solo is a novel/comics character born of the Star Wars franchise. Expanded Universe means
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Comments 6
And i still will not admit that they are on bad terms. in my own head, they are quite happy together. or at least angsty about each other. whichever!
any particular fic recs? *hopeful* ive been in the fandom for a while, but still, you might have recs i havent read before...
thanks for this!
I tend to be hard on any character who bashes Jaina- as if she needs me to be defensive in her name! I imagine there could still be hope for Jaina and Zekk; people change in time!
I don't actually read much Star Wars fanfiction but it seems like the Jaina/Zekk fanlisting has an interesting collection- if you haven't gotten to them yet. :D Thanks for reading!
Loved the essay, chavalah, and thanks a bunch for the links!
I hope the upcoming books are more to your taste than NJO! I liked them myself, but "Dark Journey" was undoubtedly my favorite for the very reason of Jaina-delving. ;)
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