Title: "I'm Open 24 Hours": Greg Sanders and The Virtue of Versatility Author: Caroline Spoilers: for all five seasons Email: carolinecrane@yahoo.com Personal Website: Desiderium Caritas
You have this incredible talent to beable to make me laugh, cry and fall in love all over agian in the same essay. I know I said the same thing about the Nick essay, but it's true. The way you just know these characters and how you make them really real is amazing. I'm in awe.
Did I mention I love you already? :'3 Anyway... loved this.
He's smart and funny and at the top of his game in the DNA lab, but he's also sensitive and just unsure enough to make you want to feed him cookies and tell him everything's going to be okay. Heh, this made me laugh. I've had numerous times while watching CSI that I wanted to reach through the tv-screen and hug him. XD (I think it's the eyes...)
Thanks. Honestly, though, I think that's why I'm really not happy with this essay, because I can't talk about Greg without talking about NickAndGreg. I should have just let myself write from that perspective, but I was afraid it would end up a rehash of my Nick/Greg essay. Also, I'm always so worried about alienating other fans who aren't into that pairing.
No, I meant I'm not happy with it because I left out all the Nick/Greg, and that's what I really wanted to write about. I want to talk about him in the context of his relationship to Nick because that's my frame of reference. I'm disturbingly obsessed with Nick, clearly. But the subtle approach is what I was going for, so I guess at least I achieved what I set out to do.
Good job. You got him. His insecurities and just wanting to be one of the cool kids. Excellent. You're right, I do want to feed him cookies. And do other things to him that I'm sure he wouldn't like me doing.
Comments 26
He's smart and funny and at the top of his game in the DNA lab, but he's also sensitive and just unsure enough to make you want to feed him cookies and tell him everything's going to be okay.
Heh, this made me laugh. I've had numerous times while watching CSI that I wanted to reach through the tv-screen and hug him. XD (I think it's the eyes...)
Like spoiledjap, I'm in awe. *applauds you*
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*gets you one too* This rocked.
Thanks : )
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