Title: Guess I'm Just a Good Man (Well. I'm okay.)
fantasticmuseSpoilers: For the series in general- specifically "The Train Job" and "Safe".
Email: Fantasticmuse@gmail.com
Word Count: Roughly 1500
Note: Ai, thanks for being so patient with me- I had a minor emergency earlier this week and... well, better late than never, I suppose. *sigh*
Space Cowboy )
Comments 7
Very true! And the more we get to know him, the more we love him, yes?
Thank you!
I do wonder about that, too. I think he would have been the same, just... even more reserved. The distinction between Mal and Captain Malcolm Reynolds would have been even greater, if that makes any sense.
Thanks for the comment. =D
How old do you think he is, BTW? I figure about 32, although he's not entirely blowing smoke with the "bitter old man" routine.
As for age... I think 32 sounds about right, maybe between 32 and 36. That'd put him in his mid 20s during the war.
I'm definitely looking forward to the Serenity movie, and I will be looking out for the points you mentioned in your essay while viewing.
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