Welcome Post (With Rules)

Aug 05, 2009 04:08

Idol Big Bang

A Seasons 7 and 8 American Idol Big Bang Challenge

Well hello, fic writers and artists! Welcome to a 2009 American Idol Big Bang fan fiction challenge!

I’m celtic_cookie and I’m your Ryan Seacrest for the duration of this challenge (feel free to call me Cookie, Kate, or Sprinkles, whatever). Over there in the corner with her spreadsheets is clex_monkie89, who pretty much will be functioning something like Dial Idol or Simon Fuller….except not evil. She’s not evil, I promise. I’ll be keeping you guys updated with rules, important dates, posting guidelines, and things like that while Clex does the hard work like setting up the posting dates and keeping track of all our names and numbers.

Now that the introductions are out of the way, let’s get down to business!

So, basically what’s going on here: We love American Idol fan fiction. Of all kinds, but especially seasons seven and eight. And it seems that people are still writing season seven, even among all the excitement of the season eight tour, hurray! So as a celebration, just before season nine gears up (even for those of us who swear up and down that there’s no way season nine can be as epic as seven or eight),we would like to get in as much Idol longfic as possible!

We’re going to run this like a small Big Bang. You may have participated in other fandom Big Bangs that are larger, but this is our first attempt at running one so we’re going to try to keep it fairly manageable. The only qualifications are basically that your fic be at least 20 thousand words and adhere to the rules we lay out. Which, speaking of the rules, let’s do that.

Writing Rules
1) The first draft of your fic, when submitted, must be finished and at least 20 thousand words long. This means no {this scene goes here} placeholders, but you are entirely welcome to edit after you’ve submitted the first draft. As long as the word count does not dip below 20k, you’re good!

2) Fics can be slash, gen, het, AU, whatever. For the purposes of this challenge, ‘gen’ is defined as a fic without a romantic story as the main plotline. Inter-season Idol crossovers are totally allowed (even as main pairings! We want to see some Archuheta, people!) but crossovers with other fandoms should be limited to the background, please. It’s mostly just to make the classifications of the fics easier.

3) We’ll ask that you please post the full text of your fic to your own journal or hosting site, rather than to the community. You’ll post a header and a link back to your fic to the comm. When posting the link to your fic, we’ll ask that you please use the header we provide. We’ll set you up with a nice text box to make it easier so you can just copy and paste the code when we get closer to posting dates. This just makes everything look nice, and also ensures that all the required information is included!

4) The entire fic must be posted on your assigned posting date. This means no part of your fic can be posted publically before the date. It also means absolutely no extensions. So sorry, guys, but this is kind of going to be enough work for us! You may request a posting date near the beginning or end of the posting period, and we will try to accomodate you, but in the end your posting date is at our discretion. We’ve got a system and we’re going to try to stick to it. We want to have variety in the fics posted per day, after all.

5) We are not requiring that your fics be beta-read but we do strongly encourage it. If you need a beta-reader, a hand-holder or just to vent about the crazy thing you just did by signing up, please visit bb_mansion, the support community for writers and artists.

Artist Rules
1) You must submit at least one first draft of an art piece on the art deadline. You are welcome to add more up until the posting date, and it doesn’t have to be perfect when submitted, we would just like to know you’re working on something.

2) ‘Art’ may be graphic art, traditional media, fanvids, fanmixes or pretty much anything else you can think of!

3) Authors and artists are encouraged to collaborate on art if they like.

4) Authors are welcome to post or link toany art they receive that goes with their fic, even if it’s not created by their assigned artist. The artist claiming is just to make sure every author receives some kind of art.

5) If we have more artists than fics, we will double up artists on fics. If we have more fics than artists, artists will be able to claim more than one fic. If it becomes a real problem with significantly more fics than artists, like with some artists doing art for three fics? I’ll happily throw my arting hat in the pool. We want EVERYBODY to get something pretty to go with their fic!

Important Dates
All moderator-controlled dates are based out of the US, on EST. But when it comes to posting your fic, as long as it’s your assigned posting date wherever you are, feel free! EDIT: These are the new, final dates!
August 31, 2009: Writer Sign-ups Close
December 20, 2009: Fic First Drafts and Summaries Due, Artist Sign-ups Close
December 21, 2009: Artist Claiming
January 15, 2009: Art First Drafts Due
February 1, 2009: Posting Begins!

We will be trying to wrangle an FAQ in the next few days, so if you have any questions or concerns, please comment to this post or feel free to e-mail us at idolbigbang at gmail dot com.

Also, we’ll be getting together some banners for you guys to spread the word shortly, but tell your friends!

Don’t forget to join bb_mansion if you want a support system!

Further information will become available…as we think of it, honestly. Okay guys, go sign up to write or do art! This’ll be a total blast!

welcome post, rules

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