We are going to be starting a bit early, so that means you have until April 4th to sign up for this round. This post contains all the information you need to enter your icons for Round #1 of
01. To participate, you must join the community and be signed up for this round. To see the list of participants, click
HERE. You will be given posting access as soon as this post goes up.
02. Your completed icons are due April 24th. Post all 20 icons at once.
03. Do not submit your icons to this entry. You can post your icons to your personal journal, your icon community or directly to this community. Make sure that all icons are behind an lj-cut or linked to your journal/community with the exception of 3 teaser icons. No banners please.
04. Icon posts must be public until voting is closed. We need to be able to see your entries to post voting, and people shouldn't have to join your community or friend you in order to see your icons.
05. All icons must be new and made for this challenge; you may not submit prior work or someone else's icons. If we find that you've broken this rule, you will not be allowed to participate in the next round.
06. Icons must fit LJ standards: under 40 kb, 100x100px and in either .png, .gif or .jpg format.
07. All entries are moderated and we will approve your post as soon as possible.
08. Please use the provided table to post your icons. Feel free to change colours and fonts.
Your first 10 icons will illustrate the following themes:
01. Black and White - Your icon must be in black and white, with no colors at all.
02. Texture - Icon must use a texture, any you choose.
03. Close Crop - Icon must be a close crop of an AI person.
04. Negative Space - The majority of the icon must be negative space.
05. Split Screen - Two separate images must be used in the icon and split either vertically or horizantly.
06. On Stage - Icon must feature an AI person on stage, either on AI or before or after AI performance.
07. Photoshoot - Icon must be of an AI person's photoshoot.
08. Candid - Icon must be of an AI person not performing and not a photoshoot. Of them on the street, with fans, etc
09. Quote - Icon must feature a quote from an AI person of 3 words or more, not from a song but words they have spoken.
10. Song Lyric - Any song lyric of more than 3 words.
Your next 5 icons should fit into the following category:
11-15. Pairings/Groups - Your icon must show 2 people or more, at least one of them must be from American Idol
16-20. Artist's Choice - Your last 5 icons may depict whatever you like - as long as it's American Idol, its up to you.
Please use the following table to post your icons:
Black and White |
Texture |
Close Crop |
Negative Space |
Split Screen |
On Stage |
Photoshoot |
Candid |
Quote |
Song Lyric |
CATEGORY - Groups/Pairings ARTIST'S CHOICE If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.