Aug 03, 2004 14:05
kk well my mom did end up un-grounding me..which was like totally exciting cause i couldnt be grounded for the rest of summer...i mean that would suck...but anyways...i was stuck at home all day yesterday cause kristan and my dad are visiting like harvard and all the other colleges up that way so she can decide which to apply to, liza was in gorgia on the plantation thing, and my mom had i was stuck at home all day...that like majorly sucked...jordan came over which made it like a lot better...otherwise i probably woulda done nothing all day till my mom came when she came home i had her drop me off at megans...stevo and shannon were there too...megan fell off stevos car...that was really seriously...but it was ok cause she just got like really scraped up...but then we went to the groove and ayton and his cousin went and that was really funn cause it was funn to watch them!...i didnt really like them watchin us...but oo was an okay groove...this guy jordan((not the same on that was over earlier that day)) was there...and hes really umm then i was supposed to spend the nite with shannon and then hang out with jon today...but my mom was like not believing anything i said and called shannons mom and like then she was like i cant pick you up and i was like it doesnt matter...i can get a ride home with someone else...and she was like no, your not hitchiking home...i mean like i soo wasnt planning to do not that dumb...but oo then i got home and some guys i didnt really know too well..well actually i didnt know two of them at all..called and wanted me to come outside..but i was like umm not gonna like go out alone with a bunch of guys i dont know..its kinda a good thing i didnt go to shannons tho cause i think im seriously sick...i couldnt sleep at all and i was like soo cold i was shaking...and i felt really really bad...i might know why...but im really needing to talk to emmy cause shes like really the only one ive told about it...but shes back in school ill like not be able to see her for forever..which totally sucks...but im hoping she will like get to do something this weekend or like anything where i can talk to her...but ive gotta finish up my summer reading cuase i still have the whole math book thing which for some reason hasnt been delivered to my house that might be really bad if i dont get it soon...