It feels SO NICE outside. Seriously, I am loving the weather. It was all rainy yesterday and today has been cool and breezy and about 69 degrees. *O* I hope it stays this way for a while. Actually, I would LOVE if it would stay like this...
I have lots of little things I need to be doing in addition to my school work for the week, but whenever I have extra time I end up doing other things instead. D:
Cynthia is gonna come visit next weekend! I'm so excited and happy! *dances* I want next weekend to hurry up and get here. I just need to get all my other stuff done first! |D
I guess I don't really have a whole lot to say. I just felt like sharing how happy I am about this lovely weather. And I'm hoping I end up not having to work tomorrow or can at least leave early. Then maybe I can actually get some of this stuff done. *fail*