Because International Day of Femslash is like the day that keeps on giving!! The day has finally arrived!! First off, thanks to everyone who signed-up! Please post your links to your lists in the comments to this post. If you didn't fulfill you're pledge, that's okay. This was more than about numbers and encouraging people to give back to the community. So, high-fives all around.
And if you're in a last minute crunch, there's plenty of fic/fic-a-thons that could use your feedback. Even if you didn't participate in IDoFF, there's always time to give feedback. Here's a small list of places to find fics:
femslash_today has a listing of all the fics posted to LJ and/or Dreamwidth during IDoF -
Part One,
Part Two,
Part Three,
Part Four,
Part Five,
Part Six. I have no idea what the final count was in regards to works posted during IDoF other than 'a lot'!
thelittlebang finished it's first multi-fandom long-fic challenge -
Masterlist femslash09 also finished it's yearly challenge and has a ton of fics just waiting to be read -
Masterlist femslash_today's not-quite-so annual
Porn Battle has loads of porny goodness.
And, of course,
Passion Perfect has a nice long list of fics submitted for IDoF -
in the 'What's New' section.
This is just the tip of the iceberg to all the places where femslash fic can be found. (If I missed anyone for IDoF, my sincerest apologies). My goal was to encourage more people to give feedback fandom. In the near future, I'll be asking for tips and suggestions to make the next challenge even better!