
Dec 13, 2004 23:23

hii babe!! ii didn`t understand wat u meant when u t0ld me 2 write.. l0l sorry i`m slow 2daii.. dam iit must be rubbing off of u already! J.K i love u!! wow babe ii have n0thiing 2 tell u.. well ii never th0ught we were gunna g0 0ut.. and lo0k! iitz been a m0nth. yay 4 uS. =] even th0ugh iit seemz liike so muCh l0nger.. but 0h well. y0u kn0w sense i`ve been g0in 0ut wiit u ii n0w n0 ii can handle anythiing iin the wh0le w0rld..[get ur miind 0ut 0f the gutter ii n0 wat ur thiinkin!] well yea ii can.. sense ur so jeal0us and umm n0sey! mr. look thr0ugh my f0ne all the tiime and alwaiiz askz who called. l0l TRUST iitz called TRUST babe.. s0methiing u will never learn yet i try so hard 4 u 2 understand. well MAIIBE someday u`ll learn. ii gueSs iitz 0kaii 4 n0w. sense ii n0 ur sl0w and all.. =] l0l j.k  0kaii babe ii love u.

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