Sep 11, 2005 08:37
Yesterday was absolutly awesome.Whent to Boston with pinky it was sweet. We whent to the most Nikki-rific store ever hootinanis *sp* then we met her sister and Link. Link=freaking awesome. "I don't know Bob from acounting!" But yes thank you Pinky for a wonderful day.
But folks it is contest time! So my check engine light has been on in my car for about the past three weeks. And I am quite sick of looking at it, like any other normal person would be. Now comes the contest part I want some totally awesome pictures to tape over the check engine light so I don't have to fall victim to its obnoxious glare everytime I start my car. So here are the official rules:
1. The picture must be roughly the size of an LJ icon this is not set in stone but please not to big I am taping it next to my speedometer. So if I crash and burn you are being held acountible.
2.All entries should be posted in my journal. Don't run up to me in school with a picture of giant penis yelling GRACE I HAVE THAT PICTURE YOU WANTED!
3.The winner will get a ride to school with one packet of the pop tart of there choice, and a ride home and they will have complete control of my radio for the duration of both rides.
4.The consest will run all week the winner will be chose friday night after I announce the winner on friday night you can begin sending me next weeks entries.
Good Luck and gods speed!