Oct 18, 2004 17:21
Damn San jose downtown drivers. Some idiot white woman just nearly ran me over. And for once, I actually had the go signal!!! And this is what kills me. . .I wasn't the only one on the damn crosswalk!!! I was negotiating around other ppl walking that wouldn't get the hell out of my way (but that's another problem all together). So a bunch of pedestrians on the crosswalk and you decide to turn!?! I don't give a shit if ur damn light is green, you yield to the fucking pedestrians man. So then after that I had a short fuse, and started screaming at the ppl that choose to block the damn crosswalks with their car even tho there's nothing behind them and they could take the 5 freaking seconds to back up. Urrghh. I'm on a short fuse today.
Actually, thinking about it, I shoulda just fell into her car instead of avoiding her. Think I coulda made some money off that?