Sep 22, 2006 21:59
Its Amazing how one post later on this thing your thoughts and feelings can change so much!
Last night was one of the best nights ive had in along time. Sure we are still not exactly cool and all (well on my part it may take abit longer) but just to see the turn out for us was absolutly fantastic. People singing along to songs like T2 and Etinot Evil, that was really cool. Songs that we thought were not good enough to be in a set turned out to be some fan favouites. Im not Sad that its gone because i achived what i set out to do in a band. Ever since i joined "These were his last words" some 6 years ago and i played my first Gig with "And none of them knew they were robots" i always said to myself if i ever get a room full of people singing our songs i will be happy. And ive had that so many times now and last night with everyone on the stage was such a great way to finish it. To finish it with the people who we made the music for and for us to be playing it on the stage with them was probably the highlight of the night, that and stiggy shouting "Three cheers for SOS!!" that was great. It was the end of SOS but it did feel like alot of people were saying farewell to each other as well.
It Was strange just for that really. Just to see people hugging and saying well done and some of them saying farewell to the people who they have known all thier lives going off to University and other such things. I dont think ill be back on the "Scene" for a while but i have some offers from people who i will be definatly looking into and if not accepting. I dont want to get stuck in the same "Musical Rut" as in playing what i have been playing for 6 Years id like to see this as an opportunity to move on and to hone and develop my musical tastes. I loved playing in "These were his last words", "Dead Girls Journals" and "Silhouettes of Soldiers" but im ready to move on now.
Hopefully I will be back soon with another band. I will still be on here wasting away my life, haha!
"Farewell and thanks for the memories" - Thank you all so much for last night, its what i needed.