Jun 24, 2006 02:12
Write 15 Statements about people you know without saying who each statement is aimed at. They can be anything that you would wish to say to that person, anything you wish you would/could have said or anything that you daren't say.
1.I like you alot but you frustrate me with your lack of enthusiasm for things. please please please remember there are more important things than what YOU think is important.
2.You are one of the nicest people i have ever met. You are like a kid who is amazed by every thing and are a very talented person.
3.I dont know if you do it intentionaly but you piss me and ALOT of people off with things you do and say. If only you thought about things you were saying and doing maybe you would score more good points with people but thats not your style and much as it pains me to say it, I wouldnt change you for anything.
4.You are the closest thing to a "best friend" i have and i like that but i dont see you as much as id like.
5.When i first met you i thought you were a Dodgy metal kid who knew nothing about everything, how wrong i was. You are a friend to me now even though i dont see you alot. This is something i wish to rectify and hope i do.
6.You came about from some one i was close to but now they have drifted into the background and im happier with the friend i have in you now than i was with them. Sometimes i think you hate me i dont know why but you give off that vibe but i know that you dont hate me.
7.Your abit special. When you find your self ill be here waiting.
8.Your a friend i wish id of gotten to know more. I know your life and what is happening with you through live journal but i wish i knew you more because you are a lovly person all be it alittle bit mental with things.
9.Your someone who i wish id of not fallen out of touch with but now i think you only talk to me because of one thing and i really hope that is not the case because you were a great friend.
10.I hate you alot but i know you are only acting like a cunt. Stop trying so hard to be a cunt and be the normal person i know you are because i have seen you normal and i like you when you are that person.
11.Where the FUCK have you gone. I used to be close to you and now you have gone and i wish i still saw you because you were great.
12.Your doing alright, you need to stop being a dick to that person because one day they are not going to take it anymore and you will die old and lonley. I know you dont want that at all and i know you love this person to death and would do anything for this person. Dont screw it up.
13.When i last saw you you looked ill. Please sort yourself out because all the thing i hear from people scare me. I dont want the next time i see you to be in the obituary pages.
14.You know what i think of you.