My main purpose in posting is to link to this post by
amadi on
Warnings & How To Do 'Em. Amadi shares a new and improved approach to creating the "optional warning" (the one you don't have to look at unless you choose to). Her innovation is in making it more accessible to people with certain disabilities. The problem with highlightable warnings is that, if you use a screen reader, it will read the warning text whether you want it to or not. Amadi's code will give you the option to skip the warning, even if you're using a screen reader. I don't know from ingenious code, but comments suggest this code is ingenious! It's certainly a kind, thoughtful, and considerate gift.
Which, I guess, tells you what I think about this "debate." Look, I don't love reading warnings - when I was first reading fanfic, I resented them, felt like they were spoily, and had no understanding of their purpose. But after the conversation that's gone on this week, with survivors sharing their stories so that people can see what is going on here for them, I think the core of this discussion has lost pretty much any content beyond "being nice" vs "being a dick."
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