For instance:
Where Does the Canadian Government Get the Money from to Keep Making Super-Soldiers? In the Marvel Universe, Canada is responsible for creating some of the most deadly super-soldiers in history. Wolverine, Sabretooth, Deadpool, Kane, and Agent Zero were all deadly assassins who were empowered by Canada's Weapon X program. This secret division of the Canadian government went to great expense to create nearly unstoppable weapons (and in almost all cases, allow them to escape shortly thereafter). This gives rise to a single question: WHY? [con't...]
They also explore career choices of mutants and their likely economic consequences, supernatural disaster insurance, etc. I don't know enough about comics to take full advantage, but it looks like fun for those who do.
Full disclosure: this post mostly brought to you by my desire to try out new Firefox extensions. (Autocopy and ... only for links)
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