May 25, 2014 20:39
So as an explanation (of sorts) as to why I haven't been online much at all in the past couple of months, here's what my schedule's been like for the past four days.
Thursday 8am - 4pm: Suffer through day job.
Thursday 5pm - 9pm: Attend tech/dress rehearsal* for local studio's Junior/Intermediate dance recital.
Friday 8am - 4pm: Suffer through day job.
Friday 5pm - 9pm: Attend tech/dress rehearsal* for local studio's Senior/Adult dance recital.
Saturday 7am - 8:30am: Photograph warblers** at local nature reserve.
Saturday 9:00am - 12:30pm: Photograph furballs at shelter.
Saturday 1:00pm - 4:30pm: Attend/photograph local studio's Junior/Intermediate dance recital (including pre-show backstage chaos).
Saturday 6:00pm - 9:30pm: Attend/photograph local studio's Senior/Adult dance recital (including pre-show backstage chaos).
Sunday 8am - 10am: Work with feral kittens at shelter.
Sunday 11am - 12:30pm: Photograph Pawsitive Thinking dog obedience class 'graduation'.
Sunday 1:00pm - 4:30pm: Attend/photograph second showing of local studio's Senior/Adult dance recital (including pre-show backstage chaos).
* AKA test shoot. I like to know what I'm getting into, lighting-wise, especially when stages are involved.
** Pretty (and fast!) little birds that are only really observable for a few weeks each spring - the reserve needs photos for tourist literature.
It's not that insane all the time (thankfully), but definitely much less time on my hands than I used to have. I do miss people, and I miss writing, but I also know this is how things have to be for the time being if I want to continue getting my name (and work!) out there.
life outside