Short entry with lots of stuff missing...

Mar 30, 2006 17:52

I hate my immune system. It sucks, a lot. I know that's my fault, please dont' lecture me more, my Dad's doing a really good job. I know he means well but seriously, I'm sick, maybe save the lectures for when I'm healthy?

I'm going to change. Laugh if you want but I am. I'm so sick of this shit.

So apparently I have a weird case of the flu. Good job to everyone who guessed that. I had my first ever CT scan today bc my Doc wanted to rule out appendicitis. I also had blood drawn...woohoo. Everything came back negative, thank goodness.

Sadly though, it means it's a nasty virus and who knows when the hell I'm gonna feel better. My Dad thinks I should start feeling better by pessimistic mind says it'll drag out for a couple more days.

Either way you look at it, my weekend is no longer fun filled and something to look foward to. I know that I need to go home and rest and eat stuff and drink water but I really want to stay here and go to Dab prom on Saturday and see Adam. Sadly, that's not going to happen. I hate missing weekends with him, especially when I'm sick. *Pout*

I suppose the upside is that my Dad won't have to be so lonely at the house. Jenny leaves for ABQ tomorrow afternoon and then she and my Mom won't be back until the 6th so he'll be all alone. *Sigh* Anyone have any movie suggestions?

How depressing.

In other Grandpa had his surgery yesterday and everything went really well! He's already off the ventilator and he stayed the night in the hospital last night. I dunno if he will tonight or not but everything went great so that's good.

I gotta get some reading done and finish this Off Campus Evaluation thing. *Sigh*

And here I thought I'd grown out of my sickly stage.

*Raises her water bottle* Here's to a weekend at home...doing nothing. :-/
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