How good is it? Let's just say I just spent the evening watching through the
Christmas Special. From start to finish. Twice. Back to back.
Yes, Downton Abbey is so addictively good for the quality of the writing and the acting that I was taken hook, line and sinker the first time I watched the first season on DVD. Returning to it for a second airing today led me to random Googling for updates only to realise that there was the abovementioned Christmas Special available to stream on YouTube.
I remember in another lifetime that I went to watch Gosford Park at the cinema with
ryanfoster where Dame Maggie Smith blew us away with her straight-faced delivery of her arch lines. How she failed to win the Oscar that year still remains unexplained.
Be that as it may this upstairs downstairs world is so far removed from my existence, it is so comforting to escape from real life into reel life, either day-dreaming of high society or seriously considering "service".
And the British accent! *swoon*