
Dec 09, 2009 17:02

[Character Name] Heather "Cheryl" Mason
[Canon] Silent Hill 3
[Point Taken from Canon] Before going to kill God

[Age] 17
[Gender] Female
[Sexual Orientation] Hetero

[Eye Color] Hazel
[Hair Color] Naturally black but dyed blonde
[Height] 5'5"?
[Other] She has a blood stain on her vest/shirt
[Clothing] This

The game starts off with Heather wandering into a deserted amusement park with nothing but a flashlight and a switchblade in hand. Wandering around, she runs into monsters, dies and eventually wakes up to find it was all a dream she had at a restaurant in the mall.

She goes to a nearby payphone to call her dad, Harry Mason. As she hung up, she noticed someone staring at her and just started walking on. Turns out that man claimed to be a detective working for someone but Heather wasn't interested so she lost him by going into the girl's bathroom. There, she snuck out through a window to escape and went around a back entrance to the mall.

Walking around it though, she found that it was now infested with strange monsters. Entering an open shop, she finds a handgun just in time to kill one of the bigger creatures. Exploring more, she eventually finds a flashlight and meets someone named Claudia who seems to know her. She claims that everything happening is for the coming paradise and is the hand of God. With that, Heather doubled over in pain and she walked away.

Trying to follow after her, she finds herself in an elevator where a radio falls out of nowhere. She decides to keep it as the doors open revealing a hideous creature. Before she could even process what was going on, she started going down as she was in yet another elevator, trapped, just wanting to wake up already.

However, her hopes go unfounded as the elevator stops and reveals what is known as the Otherworld. It looks like the mall only with more blood, stains and monsters making it look like hell.

She then finds a strange, over sized worm which she promptly kills and the mall goes back to normal. Heather then decides to take the subway home but runs into the detective, Douglas, again. It turns out that he was asked by Claudia to find her. Finding this out got her mad and a weird feeling but she proceeded to the subway after telling him to leave her alone.

In there, she is met with more monsters, but manages to make it to her street only to find that the road is blocked. Heather decides to take a shortcut through a nearby building but the Otherworld takes over again leaving her mad. Not to long after, she runs into a person named Vincent who also seems to know about her. Through their conversation, she finds that he knows Claudia and although he claims to hate her, Heather doesn't believe it and leaves.She does manage to return the building back to normal and finds her apartment.

Heather enters and explains what's been happening to her dad only to find that he's been murderer. After mourning at the fact she spots a trail a blood and rushes angrily to where it led to find Claudia. She explains that it was revenge and to fill Heathers heart with hatred. Holding a gun to her, Claudia revealed the monster that took Harry's life and left for Silent Hill, leaving Heather to kill it.

After that, she went back to the room to find Douglas there. She yells that this is all his fault in anger but does calm down enough to ask for help carrying her fathers body to the bed. Then Heather says that she is going to Silent Hill to kill Claudia and although he doesn't agree with that takes her there feeling responsible for what has happened.

Saying her last goodbyes, Heather goes to Douglas and it turns out that he met someone named Vincent. The man said to find someone named Leonard Wolf, whatever that meant. Douglas also hands a manuscript over to her that her father had been holding as he died.

Reading it, it is revealed to her that her father went to Silent Hill, and that she is the baby girl that was left to him at the end of the first game after he destroyed the god birthed by Alessa Gillespie. And so Claudia seeks Heather to birth the cult's god, since Heather is in fact a reincarnation of Alessa.

Arriving, they made their way to a motel before splitting up to cover more ground, Heather making her way to the hospital to try and find Leonard. Shortly after though, she hears a phone ring and decides to answer it. Speak of the devil, it was Leonard and it turns out Claudia is his daughter even though he is against her now. He tells her where he's being kept and how he had a seal after hearing the hatred she had for Claudia.

When they meet though, it turns out that they both misunderstood each other and Leonard turned out to be a monster. Killing him, she finds that he was holding onto something called a Seal of Metatron.

Going back to the hotel, Heather finds Vincent waiting for her and points her in the direction of the church saying that's where Douglas said to go. She was suspicious but decided to trust him for now and headed towards a shortcut through the amusement park.

Not long after she entered, she get's a headache and it's turned into the Otherworld just like in her dream. Dodging the dangers she technically already experienced she finds Douglas, wounded from his encounter with Claudia. After a small talk and argument, she leaves him behind like he wanted and continued on.

Finally getting to the church, she meets Claudia and tells her she has no wish for a new world but doubled over in pain too quickly after. Going after her and through the Otherworld of the church, she meets up with Vincent yet again.

There he asks if she got the medallion from Leonard. It turns out that it will be the thing that stops God from being born and says to hang onto it before leaving. Exploring the depths of the church she eventually finds Claudia and Vincent talk about how they don't see eye-to-eye.

It was when she arrived that he told her about the Seal and then Claudia stabbed him to death. She claims that the medallion would not work though as he died and Heather began feeling sick. She doubled over in pain once again and her skin started turning blood red as Claudia said that God will be born shortly.

Heather amazingly manages to keep it at bay though long enough to open the locket from her dad and swallow the pill inside. It made her throw up the so called God and just before she was able to stomp it, Claudia moves her out of the way and eats whats left, determined to have God born. However, he was slowly dying before suddenly something sucked her down through the floor leaving Heather to go after her and ends this once and for all.

[Personality]Heather is your typical teenager, she's very sarcastic with a sense of humor in the most strange of situations. Because of all the sarcasm she happens to adapt rather quickly to whatever situation she's in with a witty remark sometimes.

After all the hell she has seen so far in Silent Hill though, she's rather numb to the fact that nothing really surprises or scares her anymore. A puppet nurse could pop out of nowhere and she would kill it like she normally would, not really caring anymore.

Heather is also quick to anger and can be very temperamental, especially if it involves her dad or someone she cares for. Not only that, she can be known to hold a grudge and not quick to trust or befriend random people. She hates not knowing what's going on, especially when it involves her or someone she knows.

With all this though, she is very loyal to those who earn her trust.

[Specialties/Abilities] She has no real abilities besides her ability to use a vast variety of weapons. She can sense when the Otherworld takes over but I doubt that will ever happen in Somarium.

[Affection] She's not the huggy type of person so approach with caution I guess
[Fighting] She's all up for a fight but let me know beforehand if you plan to kill her or something /o/

[Other Permissions] N/A

[Other Facts] Don't make fun of her dad if you value your life. Hates mirrors

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