Jun 03, 2010 07:30


[The feed first opens with Charlotte's hand passing through the camera's field of vision, so to speak, before the picture jumbles and falls to land on the deck. The picture is sideways, showing the bottom of a lounge chair. Next to the lounge chair is a ridiculously high stack of books, all of which are fairy tales. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Thumbelina, The Swan Princess, The Princess and the Frog, Alice in Wonderland; it's a quick glance at the titles before Charlotte's voice filters in--]

Oh my. I didn't mean to knock that off...

[a rustle as she sets down the book she was reading, and suddenly the com is picked up and turned. As it's done so, you might get a quick title of the book she seems to have set down, the picture finally settling on her face]

...recordin'? I didn't tell it t--

wtg charlotte, yes i went there, !video, technology fail, fairy tales are my thing

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