Jan 12, 2011 04:05
Okay, so, there's a lot of information that you'll all need to know with Enjin out there up to things again.
I'll start with what our world is like. In the place that Touka, Kyousuke, Hime, Juri, Ao and myself came from, there's two worlds - the human world and the otherworld. Well, that's actually not quite true - it's more like there's one world, but with two 'frequencies'. Objects and people in one frequency cannot interact in any way with objects and people in the other. Anyhow, humans live in the human 'world' and youkai in the 'otherworld'.
Now, sometimes, a youkai will end up in the human world. This is problematic, because while out of the otherworld, their powers are constantly fluctuating and unstable. Worse, humans tend not to be very accepting of what they don't understand, and they persecute youkai.
The biggest problem, though, is the concept of death.
In the otherworld, youkai do not die of old age. However, in the human world, they age like a human and eventually pass away. Because of these things, youkai will often search for what is called the Oyakume. The Oyakume is a person who has the ability to 'tune' people and things to the frequency of the otherworld and vice-versa by touching them. When tuned, the object or person vanishes from the one world and appears in the next, never to interact with their previous home or friends ever again - for all intents and purposes, it's like the Oyakume has killed them.
The Oyakume is also always a member of the Hiizumi bloodline.
Now, tuning wasnt always very accurate. Sometimes, a youkai would be tuned, but not end up in the otherworld. They would be lost forever, somewhere in the nothingness in between.
To fix this, many years ago, my ancestors tuned an entire branch of the family, in order to provide more accurate coordinates for tuning. Since then, tuning has worked perfectly - there are near to no mishaps.
But the branch of the family that was tuned had not volunteered, we have learned. They were forced to do it, effectively killed off from the human world. Enjin is descended from that branch. As a Hiizumi, he too possesses the powers of the Oyakume. The body he is in is not his own - he took it from a friend of mine who asked to be sent to the otherworld to help stop something that threatened to destroy both the human world and the otherworld. My friend's body has the ability to read minds, as well as to implant suggestions, making you see or hear things that aren't like they really are.
A great injustice was done to Enjin's ancestors, yes, but it does not justify what he is attempting. Enjin wants nothing more than destruction. He is attempting to take my body - Gin's body, a youkai body, doesn't work with him very well, so he needs to constantly refresh himself with youkai energy from others. Furthermore, I am the current Oyakume - my body would only make his powers stronger. He would use it to fuse the otherworld and the human world together - something that would destroy both.
So... I think that's about everything that really needs explaining. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
[ooc: backdated two days, because I suck at this]
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