★ 『nineteen』

Aug 02, 2009 21:55

One of the benefits of the City are all the stories I'll have to tell once I return home. For instance, I was chased by my own underwear last Friday. How many people can attest to experiencing that? I swear, it felt like I was in some corny, C horror movie remake of The Crow, except each bird was replaced by white jockey briefs.

That will probably make a good party story.

Anyways, on to other matters- I've already put this off too long as it is. Since neither Nate or Andy have returned and I'm not young enough to leech off the City's social service system, I've got to get a roommate.

I'm lazy and my previous advert was perfectly fine, so I'm going to pull a copypasta.

See conditions below:

* If you're a tool, you're automatically disqualified.
* Do not have any intention of consuming me. (i.e: appendages, organs, blood, or sexual energy.)
* If you have crazy powers, don't blow up the apartment.
* No psychopath, demons, zombies, mass murderers, or evil villains.
* Pay your part of the rent on time.
* Can you handle a mess? My room is a pigsty
* Will you be my video game buddy?

What do you get if you room with me? For starts, you get your own room.  I'm not the type to throw parties and am usually quiet, unless there's a curse that gives me a reason to yell. My room is a nuclear waste site, but I keep the living room and kitchen clean. I also can cook...sort of! My specialty is meat bread. I'm a heavy sleeper, so if you decide to cook at 3:00 AM , I promise I won't go crazy on your ass.

All and all, I'm pretty chill.

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