
Sep 14, 2008 15:33

Thanks for the free show! I've never had much incentive to watch a Broadway Musical, since New York's pretty far from Washington. And, I mean - there's a lot more stuff you could do with 100 bucks than blow it on a ticket. Like buying food or video games.

Just be glad, for the sake of your ears, that I wasn't affected.

Lucy, do you know where I can apply for that library job? Books, aside from comics, aren't exactly the most entertaining thing, but I'll survive. Feel free to tell me when Artichoke officially opens, Ianto?

...Also, a question for the general public. Are you guys sure time stops at home while you're here? Like, really really. sure? I think my boss might kill me if I miss a day of work literally.

[Private to Lucifer (AS) | Unhackable]

Could I ask you a question?

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