017 | [Video]

Jan 27, 2011 05:42

[ When Hughes discovered that he'd gone from phone booth to a human form was not his own and was instead Roy Mustang's, well. He did the appropriate flailing and freaking out, as any sane man would do. Until it occurred to him that he could use this amazing happenstance For Evil Good Purposes. Therefore it is with much confidence that he comes around to the video function of his journal...

...and proceeds to try to set his absent best friend up for future dating opportunities. Loudly. ]

Excuse me, but could I have the attention of Luceti's eligible young women between the ages of twenty-five and thirty? My name is Maes Hughes; those of you who've met me before will notice that I've been hit with our latest experiment and temporarily picked up a new face! As luck would have it, it belongs to my very good friend from home, Colonel Roy Mustang!

He's a nicely ranked military officer, as you may have noticed, and a certified State Alchemist to boot; I happen to know that he's also got high ambitions when it comes to his career, so he'll undoubtedly be climbing the ladder even though he's terrible at getting through his paperwork! Roy is twenty-eight years old, fond of spinach quiche, not bad-looking and very polite when it comes to women! An able fighter, a challenging wit, and incredibly faithful! He's also yet to settle down with a good woman, no matter how hard I try to convince him- but this is where you ladies come in!

Roy's not in Luceti with us at the moment, but people have a habit of turning up around here~ so you should all keep an eye and ear open in the future and be sure to introduce yourselves to him if you're interested! Ah- and it would help not to mention that I was involved in this. He hates when I interfere in his personal life! [ no idea why TROLOLOL. ]

Any questions~?

((you can guess who he's been wanting to see around. tags will come in from needsawife later.))

if you like it put a ring on it, !smoker, !keiichi, wingman action!, !jilly coppercorn, !alexei, !grune, #video, trolling advisory: off the charts, what's sad is he's serious, username relevant, all the single ladies, !haruhi, !chi the kitten, really missed his bff, !poland

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