<5> 'Normal'

Mar 22, 2009 17:37

[Her strength returned and her fondness for the fine arts gone south- likely for eternity -Etna's taken up sitting outside the open door to her room, holding a piece of scrap cloth over her mouth and nose. Coming from inside the room would be the overpowering smell of paint and ink, and should anyone look inside, the reason for such would be obvious.

All over the walls- some hanging, some leaning near the floor -are a multitude of paintings, all done over the course of the skill swap. Some are of the Netherworld landscape, or the castle; the majority are portraits of others. Many seem to display the late King, though there are others- of Prinnies, the Red Moon, a cute-looking dog demon, some pudding, Mid-Boss... and, oddly enough, two smaller ones, of Laharl and Flonne, though she's managed to keep those as out of sight as possible.

On top of that, many, many bundles of papers are stacked on the floor and on several flat surfaces, bottles of ink in various states of fullness scattered nearby.]

Ugh, I'm never painting another picture as long as I live! My room is going to smell like these damn things for ages...

art = bad, skill reversal, back to normal

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