Ichijou-s... Ichijou, I'm not sure if you were aware or not, but HumaniTea... Zaraki-taichou and I went to investigate the scene where 'something' happened. In writing up the damage and causality report, I regret to inform you that it has been destroyed.
Anyone who has information as to what happened the other day, please let me know. The scene there did not tell us much as to what caused the damage left behind. Person, monster, hollow... I was unable to determine anything.
If anyone is looking for Ichigo, I will be taking care of him. Forgive me, Zack Fair, I won't be in the house for some time. I'm sorry to be so forward, but Ichigo's roommate, Gareki, I will be staying for a short time. I won't be in your way.
Causality and Damage report
Confirmed Deaths:
- Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV
- Tsukino Usagi
- Fletcher Tringham (has returned)
- Tifa Lockhart
- Yukimi
Damage to Salkia Island:
- Parts of the forest covered in ice
- HumaniTea set to fire and destroyed
- Samba Juice's main store front window shattered
- I Feel Pretty Salon main store front window cracked
- Parts of the apartment buildings destroyed by lightning (noted by the scorching)
- Salkia lake frozen over which caused all life forms in to die
- Main street lights uprooted and destroyed
- Craters made on the main street
This concludes the causality and damage report.
Kuchiki Rukia, part of the 13th Division of the Gotei 13.