Raw spaghetti with marinara Originally uploaded by
laurasmart. I've challenged myself to a solid week of eating nothing but raw foods. This is one of my favorite recipes from
Alissa Cohen. It's super simple. The noodles are zucchini, which I put through my Joyce Chen spiralizer (I got mine at Whole Foods, fwiw). All you really need, however, is a vegetable peeler. You can make linguine instead of angel hair. Or you could substitute sphaghetti squash or shredded carrots (mix 'em up for primavera!).
The sauce is dead easy too. Soak 12 sun-dried tomatoes and 3 dates until soft and malleable. Drain the water off. Put'em in a food processor or high speed blender with 2 1/2 cups fresh tomatoes, 1/4 cup olive oil, 2Tbsp parsley, 1/8 tsp. cayenne, and 1 tsp sea salt. Blend.
It makes enough for a week and will keep about that long in the fridge.
I'm going to do some more raw food prep work this afternoon. I usually do it on Sundays, but hey, it's a holiday eh? I plan on making raw corn chips, coconut ice cream, and a raw apple pie. On the menu for dinner tonight is miso soup, and vegetable sushi rolls. Yummy.