The pain of mind

Oct 08, 2005 15:45

I mentioned earlier, the groove of thought forms a consistent momentum and is self perpetuating. It becomes a blackhole that sucks in informations, emotions, and experiences. When we identify these info/emotion/experiences as us, it organizes these info into story lines so as to give rise to a consistent sense of "self". This is why different ( Read more... )

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idipsum October 8 2005, 17:56:11 UTC
You cant visualise it, because you are visualising with your mind. As I mentioned earlier mind abstracts reality by fragmenting it. Therefore, mind is incapable of witnessing the witness, as it is the absolute truth. This emptiness, is our nature. It seems like non-existence to you because your attention has always been focused outward. Only this witness, not the mind, can witness itself for it is infinite and eternal.

Try this if you dont believe me. Try to visualize the edge of the universe, or the beginning/end of time. Your mind is incapable of comprehending it. When I became enlightened, I can enter into sleep consciously. In other words, I can be consciously unconscious, aware of an awareness that is without content; no sound, no thoughts, no sight, no emotion, absolute nothingness. In deep dreamless sleep, you feel hours passed as if it is 1 second, because only the mind exist in time. When attention is able to pay attention on attention itself, this 1 second is the same as eternity, which is your true nature.

You are right that this is death itself, but also life. This is God, Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. It is only this awareness, that I KNOW I am eternal, that I know how it is like before I was born and how I will be like after I die, and it is very beautiful.


cowie October 11 2005, 14:22:31 UTC
but i lost my mind a long time ago... have u seen it anywhere, perchance?


idipsum October 11 2005, 15:14:33 UTC
Havent seen u in a long while, much less to say your mind=)


cowie October 13 2005, 08:16:21 UTC
probably won't recognise you even if i met u... what does a wandering spirit look like?


idipsum October 13 2005, 16:14:09 UTC
I still look pretty much the same I guess, probably a little older=)


cowie October 13 2005, 16:15:51 UTC
one year older? two? how long has it been?


idipsum October 13 2005, 16:59:52 UTC
Easily 2-3 years since we met I guessed..


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