god it's hard to think of people who haven't already been tagged...

Jan 15, 2006 20:48

Ground Rules: The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged.

1. I am the QUEEN of ocd, you have no idea... 2 most common examples: (a) I have to kiss the clock whenever it hits 11:11 (sometimes 12:34 as well)... I'm convinced it gives me good luck.. moreover, I can't just kiss it, I have to hold my lips (or at least a finger I've already kissed) there until it hits 11:12. (b) If I say something that could technically "jinx" myself, I have to knock on wood to un-jinx myself, or I get completely convinced that bad things will happen to me. It gets to the point where if I even think about bad things, I see it as jinxing myself, so effectively every night i have to de-jinx myself for every possible negative senario that pops into my head.. three sets of three knocks, preferably on three different kinds of wood...

2. I can only really concentrate when I'm in a hot bath.. as a result, I take 2 - 10 hot baths every day.. I do almost all my homework there... i think in the bath, i eat in the bath, i read in the bath, i write essays in the bath, and thanks to the joys of wireless internet, I check my email and IM in the bathtub, with my laptop propped up on the ledge.. I'm sure I drive my floormates off the wall..

3. Despite the fact that I seem so unreligious, I pray every night like clockwork, as well as every time I get on a plane or take any other significant risk.. and I can't just pray, I have to do it according to some little predetermined routine (I have different ones for at night and for plane rides, the latter also involving touching the outside of the plane before i get on..).. yes, I know, I'm paranoid.

4. I am much happier doing other people's work than my own.. thus, I often screw myself over, spending so much time every night helping other people with their homework that I never end up doing mine... and even though I know I'm only hurting myself, I continue to do it

5. I either have to have things in my life completely organized, or completely chaotic - example: because I hate losing one sock in a pair, I one day decided that I would just never wear matching socks... thus every time my maid carefully matches my socks up in my drawer, I go back and undo them all, mixing them up as much as possible, so that when I go open it up again the two socks on top almost never match... meanwhile, when I buy a new box of crayons (one of the 96 packs), I pour them all out, and reorganize them by color - not by what color their paper is, but by the color they draw...

I tag:
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