Apr 30, 2006 23:38
Sorry entires have been so lame lately. I can't believe it's sunday, that means school tomorrow.
My yesterday sort of sucked but today more than made up for it.
I am in a good mood because:
1. I watched the entire first season of Sex and the City
2. I am making progress on our rediculous chem lab
3. I had a crazy-sweet dance party. Theres nothing like letting your hair down and swaying like a loony to "If I had a hammer"
4. I saw my lovely Lizbeth for breakfast
5. Laurel and I are going to try and go for a walk and get coffee or something, which will be just splendid.
6. I went on a lovely 5-ish mile run
So yes, for once in what seems like eons, I can honestly say that I feel good. And it feels good to say that.
Is it just me or does it annoy you when quasi-deep teen novels are compared to 'Catcher in the Rye'? On book covers they will be like "For all those that wished Holden Caulfied was a girl..." or "Similar to J.D Salinger's Catcher in the Rye...". I guess I just wish some things could remain sacred you know? Why does everything new have to be compared to old things or referred to as the "new and improved [fill in blank here]" oh well. Fuck the new millenium.
I wish there were more new and exciting things to report but unfortunately I live a very dull and uneventful life. On the upside, my birthday is in five days. I'm not really all that excited about it. I'm going to apply for a job but thats about all my new found freedom is getting me.
Well I'm going to go check on my dad, make sure he didn't get his head stuck in the tire sprockets or something rediculous like that.