today was good. I mean, very good.
during the summer i do freelance work for my mom and her company to make some extra cash. Today i got up at 4.30am to go do this and ended up making $60 'cause what i did was apparently really important. SO, after making this said amount of money, i got to go shopping on Broadway!! *i feel like a GGGIIIRRRRRLLLLLL*
i ended up with a new pair of kick ass tenni's that are black with a green japanese style sun on them and an EDWARD SCISSORHANDS TANKTOP. KICK ASS.
also this
band saved my life at 5am.
alsox2: many a person has asked me about my very cool all recycled messenger bag and where i got it.
here you are meine lieblings.
i am so excited for CON. can someone tell me if i need to fill out a form and pay?!? Jordan sent that one email asking for them but i was under the impression that this was not so. clarification? thank you. also, concerning con. DANI: want to either get together tomorrow or send me the t-shirt design? i plan on going to see the woman who i'd previously planned on getting the shirts from but will need a little more than "i need ringer i don't know how i don't know what's going to be on them...yes i am not high"
there needs to be some serious hanging of the cool sort. I purpose a large movie gathering. EVERYONE CAN COME. i like people.
"ladieeees, lets have some fun..."<--FSR