So, I haven't blogged properly for a while so
OMG Dexter! I was screaming at the end of Episode 10. Nooooooooo! Is Dexter going to get all skinned? This is the first time that Dexter's ever been under any real kind of physical threat from someone as evil as him and it's geniusly brilliant. If that's even a word.
House - COME ON! House/Cuddy GET TOGETHER ALREADY! It's now really annoying me. But I must admit that House's practical joke on Cutner and Taub was very, very good. If a little reminiscent of episode 1 season 1 of Doogie Howser. I say this with authority. Although NPH does reckon that Doogie grew up to become House so I guess that's okay then.
The IT Crowd: Nothing could top last week's Moss/Roy snog but this week's Roy "The Naked Man" almost did. Just for Moss's reboot noise when he got knocked unconscious. One of the best shows on TV. Definitely.
The Daily Show: Is it me, or does Jon get more shaggable ever day? The show is amazingly funny too. I love how cheeky Jon is. And what WILL he do when Obama finally becomes proper president?
Heroes: Brilliant episode with the comic book geeks but what the hell happened in the last five minutes? All the characters totally lost it! They'd built it up beautifully then threw it away. don't know why I expected any more though for a show that killed off pretty David Anders.
Screenwipe: This week it was all about writing which was actually quite fascinating for me, as I've been indulging my muse something chronic in the last few weeks. The show's made me be a bit more brave actually and I want to try some new styles.
No HIMYM or Big Bang because CBS is evol but we did get two NPH webisode things - Prop 8 the musical (the gayest thing ever, in the best possible way) and the War Protest Song - I finally have my ICON! See above.
Next week: HIMYM does Fight Club - one of my favourite books (and films) of all time.
It's going to be legend-wait for it-