So to all you HIMYM fans... here's my thought about last night's episode...
I ship Robin/Kal Penn (Kevin). Oh come on! They are adorable! Kal Penn is adorable! The bit in the coffee show was hella romantic! It was season 1 gooey. I don't get the hate. Well, I do get the hate, but HIMYM did such a thorough job of killing the Barney/Robin ship in Season 5 that I'm quite jubulant to see both of them jubulant with other people. And I'm quite happy for Kal Penn to stay as long as he likes! He's definitely the least irritating guest star they've had in a while (save for the wonderful John Lithgow of course). Kevin and Robin forever!
Anyway, I'd post this on some communities but I feel a bit like:-
PS - Barney and Ted were cute in this episode too. I may just start shipping them again.
PS2 - Marshall's fish jokes actually get funnier the more times they do this bit!
Anyway, enough of that shenanigans. STUFF IS HAPPENING on the Seeing Fassbender Films In London front.
So, not only did I get tickets to see Shame (I now have these in my hands)
...but I also won an eBay auction today for tickets to A Dangerous Method for me and
cinnamonlyons. How awesome is that? I got very excited and sweaty palmed about it having to bid against EVOL OBSESSED FANS (which is not me, ahem) who pushed the price up. But I'm seeing the film, which I'm very excited about since it was sold out with no hope of returns. Phew. I do hope Fassy is at one of the showings!
My X-men Blu-Ray also arrived and is stunning! I love the cerebro mutant tracker, because it has a mix of First Class and Classic X-men characters in it, and I got very excited about Magneto. And Charles. Great fun. You know Charles/Cerebro is my OTP!
In other news, I'm out at the theatre or cinema three times this week after being out all weekend Doing Stuff. Possibly four! I have a social life, which is pretty sexy for me.