Someone has posted "spoilers" on the Wikipedia HIMYM episode guide page. Presumably it's the same person as posted that fake episode last year. But this time he/she's put THREE episodes up. OH god. They ALMOST are plausible in some places. There is a grain of truth (two of the episode titles are correct). But OH DEAR.
94 (6) "Bagpipes"
Marshall's obsession with his new set of bagpipes drives Lily to lie about a National Bagpiping Convention to gain some peace and quiet. Meanwhile, Ted loves tutoring eager future architects until he realizes they've been placing weekly bets on his behavior. Barney and Robin have their first fight, and despite their reluctance, ask Lily and Marshall for advice.[8]
95 (7) "The Ghost"
After their apartment becomes the site of mysterious accidents, even cynical Robin starts to believe in the paranormal. Meanwhile, Barney, Ted, and Marshall celebrate their Manniversary with a series of elaborate pranks.
96 (8) "The Playbook"
Ted realizes he has no hope at finding a girl in New York so he packs up and moves to Australia where he finds a playbook which tells him what he has to do. Barney, Marshall, Lily, and Robin are stuck in New York wondering where Ted has gone.
Please wikipedia person. PLEASE STOP!