Title: Death Ray
Rating: PG for dark themes
Summary: Billy is given some devastating news
Authors note: Has anyone ever noticed that during "So they say" Billy's back wall is literally covered with MRI Brain scans. Has anyone ever wondered WHY?
Fandom: Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Spoilers: Set prior Act I
Word Count: 3 x 100 (drabbles)
He spent a lot of time on the internet... )
Loved this, IO! Really interesting theory.
Hehe. Damn, I know that. But it screwed with my word count to say "MRI Brain scan" not "X-ray" and I assumed people wouldn't tell the difference-
Natch - I've fixed it. ;-)
B-the-dub - when I had an MRI I asked to keep my scans too. I still have them but haven't had them professionally backlit.
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