Computer Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhh

May 18, 2009 11:05

So, continued computer pain which makes me a sad panda. I was all set to give back my "loaner" today as my old laptop had been reinstalled from scratch. But I hadn't had my old one back five minutes before the network drivers started to spaz out in an epic not-amusing way. So... back on the loaner right now.

Good news: Managed to download Family Guy with Josh, Neil and Jason in. I'm sorry, but I really don't find it funny! Less funny than the last time Neil and Josh did a cameo even. And I like Stewie generally. They just seem to be making fun of HIMYM without it actually being funny.
Also: Hope to be able to watch the HIMYM season Finale as the loaner computer seems to now be AVI friendly.

Bad news: I possibly have to give back the loaner on Wednesday. Then I'll be without a laptop at all.


laptop, tv: family guy, himym, fail

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