Last night's episode of The Big Bang Theory just confirmed the theory that...
Howard Wallowicz IS Barney Stinson/inanotherdimension. The guy does MAGIC TO IMPRESS CHICKS IN BARS
BBT is somehow morphing into Heroes, which already did the "hot chick gets stared at in comic book store" play WEEKS ago.
Now just bring ADAM into BBT and I'll be one happy bunny.
In other news:
Red Dwarf was so, so terrible that I've convinced myself it was a bad cheese-dream. Please do not tell me otherwise. I got the "twists" in episode 2. And it pissed all over the wonderful "out of time" and even just basically stole half of Blade Runner. LAZY WRITING. .
Doctor Who meets Lara Croft was "all right". The Doc was tehSEXXOR as usu with his "I'm a hero" thing going on. And anything is better than the end of the last series.
My standards are set WAY too low.